Monday, January 21, 2008

Hey everyone! I have been having so much fun being SMJ's guest!I have some LOs I would love to share with you that have been made
with SMJ's FABULOUS goodies!
This LO is with the GORGEOUS new Love Shack Kit (that I LOVE) and the Trashed Brackets, and the Folded Papers:
We *heart* Grandpa

credits can be found here

Here's a LO with the Winter Ponies kit:

credits can be found here
Here's a LO with the Bohemian Traveler Kit, Cherrywood Farm Kit, and Tied up Twills:
Carson age 2

credits can be found here
Here's a 2 pager LO using Xmas Market:
Christmas Morning

credits can be found here and here
Here's a LO with my cute SIL and niece using Desert Dandelions:

credits can be found here

Okay, I hope this all works, I'm new to the blogging scene! lol
Don't you just LOVE Shabby Miss Jenn and her GORGEOUS 
products? I do! So fun! :)
Have a wonderful day everyone! 
~Andrea :)