Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Hey there! Jenn T. here one last time before my guest stint with the fab SMJ is over this month. It's been a pleasure being on her team and working with her simply GORGEOUS designs this month! And with that, I leave you with my final SMJ guest CT member LO (but I can guarantee you that it's not the last SMJ LO I ever do!) Meet Kip, our new puppy:

Journaling: A puppy, finally! At 37 years of age, I have finally gotten a puppy. Kip is a Maltese-Spitz mix, which is a little bit of an odd mix, but he’s one playful pup! His Mom is a Norwegian Spitz and Dad a Maltese. He looks more like the spitz. The kids love him and I do, too. And he now completes our family!
(up top: Willie's not quite sure what to make of him!)

Kit: French Attic by Shabby Miss Jenn (Certified Trouble Maker stamp from Remix Word Art by Jennifer M. Trippetti at SBB)

Fonts: Century and Velvet Script

Click the image to see it larger!

Thanks so much to Miss Jenn for having me on her team this month. It's been fabulous!