Friday, March 28, 2008

Brand new SMJ BLOG CHALLENGE today! I'm so excited about this one! Okay so here's the scoop! Go and download this freebie. Scrap a page, card, hybrid thingy, whatever you'd like. Feel free to use some stuff from your other favorite designers. But it has to have a few of these freebie goodies on the page.

So then, upload your page to the CHALLENGE section at our SMJ Designs Gallery!

We'll give you all a week plus a few days to upload your page there. And then the Shabby Girls and I will be choosing the winners! :) Loads of KILLER prizes to hand out! So come on over and enjoy the challenge. Oh and if you think you don't have time but do want to download the freebie, way cool! Just leave a quick comment that you got it! :)
Happy Friday to you all! :)